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Introduction: Landscape Gerbera is a selection of patio plants selected for their compactness, flower size and abundant flowering. Varieties are suitable for outside as well as inside use
Light: Light intensity should be around 40,000 to 50,000 lux. Windows, balconies and partially shaded places of gardens are suitable to keep these potted plants. Areas of direct sunlight of noon hours should be avoided for maintaining compactness of plants and continual flowering..
Temperature: Ideal day temperature should be 24 to 30 0C and night temperature should be 15 to 18 C.
Watering: Gerbera prefer to be kept on moist side but take care that media should not be soggy. Generally, 2 - 3 waterings per week are sufficient. Over watering will result in wilting of plants due to root and crown diseases. Water the plants early in the day. It is advised that always water the pots from the bottom. Pour the nutrient solution in the plate provided with the pot.
Fertilizers: For best results apply nutrients once in 3 to 4 days. Use of water soluble fertilizers like N : P : K 16:8:24 and Calcium nitrate @ 1.5 g/lit of water (teaspoon) on alternate basis will be sufficient.
Flowering: It is recommended to remove the over-matured flowers for the initiation of new buds. Never cut the stems just bend them on either sides and give little pull so that it can come out easily from the base. Plants will produce flowers regularly if you care it for proper. Light requirement and required nutrient feeding.
Pests: Major pests affecting Gerbera and their control measures are:
Leaf miner: symptom - white serpentine tunnels in leaves. Control - spray; Nuvan @ 1 ml/lit or Acephate @ 1.5 g/lit or Cypermethrin @ 0.5 ml/lit.
Red mites: symptom -- mites are minute red insects which feed on underside of leaves, suck cell sap and eventually leaves turn pale, withered, webbing on leaves and flower petals. Control - First wash the plants with pure water and after one hour, spray; Wettable sulphur @ 1.5 g/lit or Omite @ 1 ml/lit or Magister @ 1 ml/lit.
Diseases: Major diseases affecting Gerbera and their control measures are:
Root rot: symptom - drooping of younger leaves, finally wilting of plant. Root skin is easily removed. Control - avoid excessive moisture by preventing over watering, drench; Aliette @ 2 g/lit or Bavistin @ 2 g/lit or Benomyl @ 2 g/lit.
Crown rot: symptom - Drooping of the younger leaves, finally wilting of plant. Complete decay of crown portion with black discolouration. Control - drench; Aliette or Benomyl or Topsin - M @ 2 g/lit.
When fungicides are to be drenched, do not apply water on that day prior to or immediately after drenching.
Chemicals to be avoided on Gerbera: Hostathion, Tilt, Topaz, Contaf, Spark, Polytrin and Ridomil.